
3003B 三轴加速度传感器




The Dytran 3003B is a high performance triaxial IEPE accelerometer capable of operating at temperatures up to +347°F (+175°C) and was designed for down-hole drill head vibration monitoring.


Sensors developed for down-hole vibration monitoring must be able to deliver accurate and reliable data, while simultaneously tolerating harsh conditions. Critical characteristics of these sensors include a miniature design, high temperature operation, and the ability to operate at low power levels. The Dytran 3003B is ideal for such applications, as it is packaged in a miniature titanium housing with a vertical height of just 0.37-inches (9.4-millimeters), is capable of reliable operation at temperatures up to +347°F (+175°C), and was specially designed to operate from +4.0 to +5.5 VDC compliance voltage.


The Dytran model 3003B triaxial accelerometer is offered with a sensitivity of 2 mV/g and 500g range, and is designed with adhesive mounting capabilities. Weighing just 6 grams, units incorporate four permanently attached 22-inch long lead wires.


1.   2 mV/g sensitivity

2.   500g range

3.   2 to 5,000 Hz frequency range (±10%)

4.   22-inch integral cable

5.   Adhesive mount

6.   6 grams

7.   Operates from +4.0 to +5.5 VDC

8.   +347°F (+175°C) operation

9.   Triaxial

10.  IEPE



1.   Down-hole drill head vibration monitoring


2.   Low turn-on voltage applications where power supply is limited



Weight 0.21 oz 6.0 grams Notes:

Connector, Type 4 Wire Integral Cable 4 Wire Integral Cable

Mounting Adhesive Mount Adhesive Mount

Material, Housing/Connector Titanium Alloy Titanium Alloy

Sensitivity, ±10% [1] 2.0 mV/g 0.20 mV/m/s2

Range, Full Scale (each axis) ±500 g ±4905 m/s2

Frequency Response, ± 3dB 2 to 5000 Hz 2 to 5000 Hz

Resonant Frequency >30 kHz >30 kHz

Equivalent Electrical Noise 0.007 grms 0.07 m/s2 rms

Linearity [2] ±1 % F.S. ±1 % F.S.

Maximum Transverse sensitivity 5 % 5%

Full Scale Voltage Output ±1 Volts ±1 Volts

Maximum Vibration ±600 gpeak ±5886 m/s2 peak

Maximum Shock ±5000 gpeak ±49050 m/s2 peak

Temperature Range -40 to +347 °F -40 to +175 °C

Base Strain Sensitivity @ 250µɛ < 0.014 g/µε < 0.14 m/s2/µε

Supply Current (each axis) [4] 4.0 mA 4.0 mA

Compliance Voltage, Nom (each axis) +4.5 Volts +4.5 Volts

Output Impedance, Typ. 100 100

Bias Voltage +1.7 to +3.4 VDC +1.7 to +3.4 VDC

Discharge Time Constant 0.25 to 0.75 Sec 0.25 to 0.75 Sec

Ground Isolation [5] [5]


Dytran 3003B  三向力加速度传感器





3003B 01.jpg