The Dytran 3256C is a single axis piezoelectric charge mode accelerometer with wide bandwidth, designed to provide cost effective general purpose vibration monitoring in temperatures up to +375°F (+190°C).
Offered with a sensitivity of 15 pC/g, the model 3256C features a lightweight, robust, hermetically sealed titanium housing with an axial 10-32 connector and 10-32 mounting hole, allowing it to be utilized in a variety of environments.
1. 15 pC/g sensitivity
2. 5,000 Hz upper frequency range (±10%)
3. 10-32 axial connector
4. 10-32 tapped hole
5. 10 grams
6. Titanium
7. Hermetic
8. +375°F (+190°C) operation
9. Charge mode
1. Modal and structural analysis
2. Vibration control
3. General purpose high temperature vibration monitoring
Weight 0.35 oz 10.0 grams
Material Titanium Titanium
Housing Material Titanium Titanium
Sensitivity, ± 15% [2] 15 pC/g 1.53 pC/m/s^2
Acceleration Range [3] [3] Gpeak [3] m/s^2 peak
Frequency Range 5000 Hz Amplifier Used.
Resonance Frequency 32 kHz 32 kHz Time Constants
Linearity ±1 %
Transverse Sensitivity Max 5 % 5 % -100 -4
Magnetic Sensitivity at 100 Gauss 0.00007 g/Gauss 0.0006867 m/s^2/Gauss
Base Strain Sensitivity 0.05 g/με 0.4905 m/s^2/με
Capacitance, nom 975 pF 975 pF
1. Model 6200 mounting stud (10-32 to 10-32)
2. Model 4110C current source power unit, 4705A series in-line charge amplifier (BNC jack to BNC jack), 4751B series in-line charge amplifier (10-32 jack to 10-32 jack), model 6196 magnetic mounting base (10-32), model 6213 adhesive mounting base (10-32)
3. 电缆:6002A, 6013A, 6019A, 6036A, 6037A, 6049A, 6057A, 6097A, 6411A, 6417A, 6419A, 6924A, 6991A
3256A1 通用型
3256A2 通用型
3256A3 通用型
3256A4 通用型
3256A5 通用型
3256A6 通用型
3256A1T 通用型TEDS
3256A2T 通用型TEDS
3256A3T 通用型TEDS
3256A4T 通用型TEDS
3256A5T 通用型TEDS
3256A6T 通用型TEDS