The Dytran 3316C is an ultra high temperature piezoelectric charge mode accelerometer, designed to reliably operate in temperatures up to +900°F (+482°C).
Featuring a unique single crystal charge mode sensing element mounted in a hermetically sealed, miniature Inconel™ housing, units utilize the latest in planar shear technology. In order to operate at such high temperatures, model 3316C was designed with a unique, Dytran patented feature. Units employ a "silver window" on the top cover of the accelerometer housing, which provides oxygen access to the crystal at high temperatures while maintaining the unit's hermetic sealing.
The Dytran model 3316C weighs just 6 grams and has a height of just 0.36 inches (9.1 millimeters), making it ideal for use in locations inaccessible to other types of accelerometers. Offered with a sensitivity between 1 and 2 pC/g and a 10,000 Hz upper frequency response, the model 3316C has a 5-40 tapped hole and 10-32 radial connector (exact sensitivity is provided on the calibration certificate supplied with each sensor).
1. 1 to 2 pC/g sensitivity
2. 10,000 Hz upper frequency range (±10%)
3. 10-32 radial connector
4. 5-40 tapped hole
5. 6 grams
6. Inconel™
7. Hermetic
8. Miniature cubic design
9. High frequency response
10. +900°F (+482°C) operation
11. Charge mode
1. Automotive vibration studies
2. Exhaust system analysis
3. Engine vibration analysis
4. Environmental Stress Screening (ESS)
Weight, Max 0.21 oz 6.0 grams
Size Square x Height .40 x .36 Inches 10.16 x 9.10 mm
Frequency Range, ±10% [4] to 10000 Hz [4] to 10000 Hz 10
Resonant Frequency > 45 kHz > 45 kHz
Capacitance 120 pF 120 pF
Linearity [2] ± 1% % F.S. ± 1% % F.S.
Phase Response (±5°) [4] to 3000 Hz [4] to 3000 Hz
Maximum Transverse Sensitivity 5 % 5 %
Strain Sensitivity, Max 0.003 g/με 0.03 m/s2/με
Insulation resistance, (Connector pin to case) at 75 °F > 5 MΩ at 75 °F > 5 MΩ
at 900 F > 0.25 MΩ at 900 °F > 0.25 MΩ
Coefficient of Thermal Sensitivity 0.02 %F 0.02 %F
Ground Isolation Case Ground Case Ground
Maximum Vibration ±6000 G, peak ±5886 m/s2, peak
Maximum Shock ±10000 G, peak ±49050 m/s2, peak
Temperature Range -60 to+900 °F -51 to+482 °C
1. Model 6584 mounting stud (5-40 to 10-32)
2. Model 6763 hi-temp isolated tri-mount base, model 6759 hi-temp triaxial mounting block, model 6762 hi-temp triaxial mounting block, 6998 isolated mounting base
3. 电缆线:6946A, 6979A, 6999A