The Dytran 3413A1 is a case isolated triaxial IEPE accelerometer with a 5 mV/g sensitivity, vertical height of 0.59-inches (15.0-millimeters), an overall weight of 13 grams, and include Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS; per IEEE 1451.4) capabilities.
Featuring ceramic shear sensing elements packaged in a titanium housing, design of the model 3413A1 incorporates an industry standard 4-pin radial connector and adhesive mounting capabilities. Units are hermetically sealed for reliable operation in high humidity and dirty environments and case isolated to avoid EMI/ground loop interference.
1. 5 mV/g sensitivity
2. 1,000g range
3. 3.3 to 3,000 Hz frequency range (±5%)
4. 4-pin 1/4-28 radial connector
5. Adhesive mount
6. 13 grams
7. Titanium
8. Hermetic
9. Case isolated
10. Triaxial
11. IEEE 1451.4 TEDS capabilities
12. IEPE
1. Modal and structural analysis
2. Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)
3. Product response testing
4. Squeak & Rattle
5. General purpose triaxial vibration measurements
Weight 0.5 oz 13 grams
Size Length 0.97 inch 24.6 mm
Width 0.59 inch 15.0 mm
Connector [1] Type 4-pin 4-pin
Material Ti-6 AL-4V Ti-6 AL-4V
Housing Material Ti-6 AL-4V Ti-6 AL-4V
Sensing Element Material PiezoElectric
Sensitivity, +/-5% [2] 5 mV/g 0.51 mV/m/s^2
Acceleration Range, ± 1000 Gpeak 9810 m/s^2 peak
Frequency Range, ±5% 3.3-3000 Hz 3.3-3000 Hz -100 -1.9
Frequency Range, ±10% 2.2-5000 Hz 2.2-5000 Hz 0 -0.8
Frequency Range, ±3dB 1.1-10000 Hz 1.1-10000 Hz 75 0
Resonance Frequency >20 kHz >20 kHz 100 0.6
Linearity [3] 1 %F.S. 1 %F.S. 200 1.5
Transverse Sensitivity, Max 6 % 6 % 225 2
Noise floor 0.007 Grms 0.069 m/s^2 rms 320 2.5
Spectral Noise 1Hz 1000 µGrms/sqr(Hz) 9810 µm/s^2 rms/sqr(Hz)
10Hz 500 µGrms/sqr(Hz) 4905 µm/s^2 rms/sqr(Hz)
100Hz 100 µGrms/sqr(Hz) 981 µm/s^2 rms/sqr(Hz)
1000Hz 60 µGrms/sqr(Hz) 589 µm/s^2 rms/sqr(Hz)
10000Hz 50 µGrms/sqr(Hz) 491 µm/s^2 rms/sqr(Hz)
Supply Current Range [4] 2 to 20 mA 2 to 20 mA
Compliance Voltage Range +18 to +30 VDC +18 to +30 VDC
Output Impedance, Typ. 100 Ω 100 Ω
Output Bias Voltage +7.5 to +9.5 VDC +7.5 to +9.5 VDC
0.15 to 0.25 sec 0.15 to 0.25 sec
Shock Max 5000 g pk 49050 m/s^2
Vibration Max 1500 g pk 14715 m/s^2
Operating Temperature -60 to +320 °F -51 to +160 °C
Seal Hermetic Hermetic
Magnetic Sensitivity at 100 Gauss 0.0001 g/Gauss 0.000981 m/s^2/Gauss
Base Strain Sensitivity 0.002 g/µε 0.01962 m/s^2/µε
Recommended Accessories: model 4114B1 current source power unit, model 6273 petro mounting wax
Compatible Cables: 6811A, 6812A, 6824A, 6828A, 6873A, 6925A, 6933A, 6967A, 6997A