深圳汉斯福特科技代理的美国Mark-10 Series TT01瓶盖扭力测量仪,夹口尺寸可调,可满足多种形状容器的测量,最大扭力测量范围11.5Nm; 金属机身,设计精简,操作友好适用于实验室及工厂车间。 行业内首款精度高达±0.3% 取样速率7000Hz,即使高速测量也可保证其结果的可靠性。TT01系列瓶盖扭力计可与电脑连接配有USB,RS232,Mitutoyo,模拟输出接口;可存储1000个测量数据,可自动传输测量数据 按键清零操作,密码保护功能防止意外更改参数设置。Series TT01瓶盖扭力测量仪标准套装包含数据传输软件,可连续或单个输出测量数据 也可从内存中把测量数据直接下载到软件内或导入Excel文档中进行编辑。
可替代老款Series MGT系列
Series TT01 Cap Torque Testers are designed to measure application and removal torque of bottle caps up to 100 lbFin [11.5 Nm]. Adjustable posts effectively grip a broad range of container shapes and sizes, while optional flat and adjustable jaws are available for unique profiles. A rugged aluminum design, and simple, intuitive operation allow for use in laboratory and production environments.
Class-leading accuracy of ±0.3% and blazingly fast sampling rate of 7,000 Hz ensure reliable and consistent test results, even in quick-action applications. Password protection is provided to prevent unauthorized changes to settings and calibration.
The TT01 includes a range of sophisticated productivity-enhancing features, including USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo, and analog outputs, automatic data output and zeroing upon cap removal, memory storage for 1,000 readings, pass/fail indicators and outputs, and more. First / second peak torque detection is useful for measuring slip and breakaway torques for tamper evident closures.
Series TT01 testers include MESUR™ Lite data acquisition software. MESUR™ Lite tabulates continuous or single point data. Data stored in the TT01’s memory can also be downloaded in bulk. One-click export to Excel allows for further data manipulation.
Moveable 1.25" (31 mm) length posts accommodate a wide range of sample shapes and sizes. Available extended post lengths and other gripping options
USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo, and analog outputs
Automatic output, data storage, and zeroing upon bottle cap removal helps automate testing processes
1,000-point data memory with statistics and outputs
Password protection prevents unauthorized changes
Programmable set point indicators and outputs for pass/ fail determination
High-speed 7,000 Hz sampling rate accurately captures peak torque values
Configurable audio alarms and key tones
5 selectable units of measurement
数据传输软件MESURTM Lite
MESUR™ Lite data collection software included
First / second peak detection for slip and breakaway torques in tamper evident closures
精度 | ± 0.3% 满量程± 1个分辨率 |
取样速度 | 7.000Hz |
电源 | 交流适配器和可充电电池供电 电池电量显示、电量不足自动关机 |
电池使用时间 | 背光开启:连续使用7个小时 背光关闭:连续使用24个小时 |
测量单位选项 | ozFin, lbFin, lbFft, Nm, Ncm |
输出 | USB/RS232输出,波特滤可调最大至115200baud 通用用途:3个开漏输出,一个输入 设置点:3个开漏线 |
功能设置 | 数字滤波,输出设置,自动存储,自动输出,自动清零 ,自动关机,开机默认设置,按键音,声音报警,校准设置 |
过载保护 | 150%满量程(当超过110%显示OVER) |
重量: | 8.4 lb [3.8 kg] |
标准附件 | 4*1.25"[高31mm]夹持圆柱,交流配适器,电池,USB线缆,CD操作手册,数据传输软件 |
重量 | 质保三年 |
型号 | 量程 X 分辨率 | ||||
lbFin | ozFin | kgFcm | Ncm | Nm | |
MTT01-12 | 12 x 0.005 | 192 x 0.1 | 14 x 0.01 | 135 x 0.1 | 1.35 x 0.001 |
MTT01-25 | 25 x 0.01 | 400 x 0.2 | 28 x 0.02 | 290 x 0.2 | 2.9 x 0.002 |
MTT01-50 | 5 0 x 0.02 | 800 x 0.5 | 58 x 0.05 | 570 x 0.5 | 5.7 x 0.005 |
MTT01-100 | 100 x 0.05 | 1600 x 1 | 116 x 0.1 | 1150 x 0.5 | 11.5 x 0.005 |
CT001 | 平口夹具一副 |
CT002 | 便携式仪器携带箱 |
CT003 | 夹口可调夹具一副 |
CT004 | 圆柱式夹具4个1.25"[31mm] 标准配置 |
CT005 | 圆柱式夹具4个 2.5"[63mm] |
CT006 | 圆柱式夹具4个 4.0"[101mm] |
CT007 | 圆柱式夹具12个含[31mm][63mm][101mm] |
AC1036 | 校准套装(不含砝码) |
15-1004 | MESURgauge 分析软件 |
09-1165 | USB数据线 |
09-1163 | RS232数据线 |
AC1031 | AC适配器 220V |