
RX-SP 硬度计



进口硬度计,美国Check-Line RX-1600-SPA检测泡沫塑料橡胶的硬度

Slim Probe Durometers are designed for measuring hardness in hard to reach or irregular areas. Analog and digital models are available. The slim probe attachment can be modified to fit your specific needs or applications.   

  • Includes NIST-Traceable Calibration Certificate

  • Full 360 degree sweep

  • One year warranty

  • Minimum Sample Thickness -Type A = 6 mm (1/4")

  • -Type M = 1.25 mm (0.050")

  • Can be customized for your application  

arrow Foot Durometer

Can be modified (probe length) to fit your needs.

Typical Use:
Used for checking the hardness of narrow or irregular shapes - The foot size is .110 x .50".


  • Customized probe length to fit your      needs

  • Available in most durometer types

  • Precision construction

  • Custom Carrying case


3/16" Diameter Foot Durometer

Can be modified (probe length and diameter) to fit your needs.

Typical Use:
Used for checking hard to reach areas. This slim probe model is also available in the Type M durometer with a 1/8" diameter foot - great for checking thin (as thin as .050") hard to reach areas.

Note: The Slim Probe Durometer Style B Type M Conforms to ASSTM D 2240.


  • Customized probe length and diameter to fit your needs

  • Available in most durometer types

  • Precision construction

  • Custom Carrying case


RX-1600-SPA-A Slim Probe Analog Durometer, Style A with .110 x .50". foot, Shore A

RX-1600-SPA-D Slim Probe Analog Durometer, Style A with .110 x .50". foot, Shore D   

RX-1600-SPB-A Slim Probe Anaglo Durometer, Style B with 3/16 Diameter foot, Shore A   

RX-1600-SPB-D Slim Probe Anaglo Durometer, Style B with 3/16 Diameter foot, Shore D   

RX-DD-SPA-A    Slim Probe Digital Durometer, Style A with .110 x .50". foot, Shore A    

RX-DD-SPA-D    Slim Probe Digital Durometer, Style A with .110 x .50". foot, Shore D    

RX-DD-SPB-A    Slim Probe Digital Durometer, Style B with 3/16 Diameter foot, Shore A

RX-DD-SPB-D    Slim Probe Digital Durometer, Style B with 3/16 Diameter foot, Shore D       

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