You are looking for integral process automation and you want to integrate scales in your system. These PR1711 transmitters easily meet the highest weighing requirements. Whether your application requires analogue or digital signals via bus systems, these transmitters cover nearly all needs for modern automation processes. For local process control you just choose the Sartorius PR 1710 / PR 1711 with LCD display.
PR1710 For hazardous area applications we provide an intrinsically safe version with load cell connection with W&M approval for zone 1 and one application for zone 2 with W&M approval as well.
Accuracy of 3000 e class III (EN 45501)
精确度等级Class III, 3,000 e
Serial communication interface (RS 232 or TTY or RS 485/422)
Configurable analogue output 0/4-20 Ma
3 configurable inputs / 3 configurable outputs
Calibration without weights (Smart Calibration)
Userfriendly, menu-prompted configuration
convenient 5-digit LCD display (选配)
W&M approval; galvanic isolation of the measuring signal (选配)
PR1710 设计 Height: 3 HE (128.4 mm) Width without display: 10 TE (50.5 mm) Width with display: 21 TE (106.3 mm) 接口类型 3*16 pole connector (IEC I30-14, DIN 41612) Standard matching plug: e. g. with solder eyelet from Schroff (69001-712) 供电电压 18 to 33 VDC, +/- 15 VDC (+/- 6.6 %) or 24 VAC (+10/-15 %) Power consumption: 7 W, 9 VA 显示(选配) Display: 5 digits 7-segment LCD Height: 10.2 mm Viewing area: 45.7 x 17.7 mm 数字输入 3, optodecoupled, 10 to 31 VDC 数字输出 3 optodecoupled max. 31 VDC/40 mA PR 1711 设计 Protection class IP 65 连接 Via 6 cable glands 供电电压 115/230 VAC (+10/-15 %) Power consumption: 10.5 VA Optional on request: 18 to 33 VDC, 24 VAC (+10/-15 %) 显示 Display: 5 digits 7-segment LCD Height: 10.2 mm Viewing area: 45.7 x 17.7 mm 数字输入 3, optodecoupled; 10 bis 31 VDC 数字输出 3, via relays; contact duty: 250 VAC / 5 A 250 VDC / 0.3 A 100 VDC / 0.5 A 30 VDC / 1.5 A 30 VDC / 5 A PR 1710/1711 配置/校准 Via PC or terminal, VT 100 compatible 服务接口 9-pole D-SUB connector RS 232, 9.6 kB for PC or terminal; Functions: calibration, configuration, monitoring 通讯接口 RS 232, RS 422/485 or current loop selectable with order Maximum baudrate: 19.2 kB (4.8 kB for CL) 协议 EW-Bus, remote display, Modbus/Jbus, DUST 3964R, Siemens 3964R-RK512 模拟输出 0/4 to 20 mA, max. burden 500 ¥; configurable for various weights (e.g. B, N, T, D) Update rate: proportional to measuring time Resolution: 12 bit | 精度等级 3000 e class III (EN 45501, OIML R76) 传感器连接 All strain gauge load cells; 6 or 4 wire connection possible 传感器供电 12 V or 7 VDC, selectable 负载阻抗 Min. 87.5 ¥; e.g. 6 load cells with 600 ¥ each or 4 load cells with 350 ¥ each 输入信号 Total range: 0 to 36 mV 1,2 μV/e for W&M applications 0,4 μV/e for industrial applications Dead load range: 36 mV – (max. span) Span and deadload adjustment via software during calibration 测量原理 A/D conversion: integrating converter, ratiometric to LC supply Conversion rate: 50 ms Measuring time: 50 ms; 100 ms or multiples 分辨率 0.16 μV / count; > 75,000 counts for 12 mV > 210,000 counts for 36 mV 模拟滤波器 Active Butterworth, 40 dB/decade, 2 Hz cut-off frequency 线性度 < 0.007 % 温度影响 Live zero TKo < 1 μV / 10 K Span Tkspn < 0,006 % /10 K N净重/运输重量 PR 1710/xx: 0,7 kg / 1,2 kg PR 1711/xx: 4,8 kg / 6,1 kg 认证及证书 CE EC type apporval D99-09-002 PTB02ATEX2058II(2)G[EExib]IIB/C TüV 98 ATEX1339XII3G ExnAIIT4 (Zone 2 for 1710) TüV 98 ATEX1340XII3G ExnAIIT4 (Zone 2 for 1711) 环境条件 震动 According to IEC 68-2-6, Test Fc 静电放电 According to IEC 1000-4-2, Level 3 电磁场 According to IEC 1000-4-3, Level 2 26 MHz bis I Ghz 供应线 According to IEC 1000-4-4, Level 3 无线电干扰 According to EN 55011 温度范围 Operation: -10° C bis +55° C Storage: -40° C bis +70° C |
PR 1710/01 Digital Weighing transmitter (TTY) 9405 117 10011
PR 1710/02 Digital Weighing transmitter (RS 232) 9405 117 10021
PR 1710/04 Digital Weighing transmitter (RS 422/485) 9405 117 10041
PR 1710/11 Digital Weighing transmitter with display (TTY) 9405 117 10111
PR 1710/12 Digital Weighing transmitter with display (RS 232) 9405 117 10121
PR 1710/14 Digital Weighing transmitter with display (RS 422/485) 9405 117 10141
PR 1710/61 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter (TTY) 9405 117 10611
PR 1710/62 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter (RS 232) 9405 117 10621
PR 1710/64 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter (RS 422/485) 9405 117 10641
PR 1710/71 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter with display (TTY) 9405 117 10711
PR 1710/72 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter with display (RS 232) 9405 117 10721
PR 1710/74 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter with display (RS 422/485) 9405 117 10741
PR 1711/61 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter (TTY) 9405 117 11611
PR 1711/62 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter (RS 232) 9405 117 11621
PR 1711/64 Instrinsically safe digital weighing transmitter (RS 422/485) 9405 117 11641