
PR6224 数字汽车衡传感器


The load cells of the Pendeo® Truck PR6224 range are particularly designed for use on weighbridges. They are based on our well known, unique design principle which has been tested in the harsh surroundings of weighbridges for many years.


Combined with the mounting kits, the sophisticated design of the load cell Sartorius PR6224 allows to counterbalance movements caused by mechanical or thermal expansion or contraction of the weighbridge construction. The unique combination of the selected geometry and material | surface hardness parameters guarantees perfect rolling characteristics, high restoring forces and long-term maintenance-free operation.

  • Easy installation


  • Insensitive RS485 output signal


  • Best application for weighbridges


  • Default, maintenance free and compact construction


  • Very robust construction into hermetically sealed stainless steel housing


  • DMS technology for a high protection against lightning


  • High overload capacity (until 150 %)


  • Additional protection through diagnostic function


Maximum capacity highest limit of specified measuring range Emax 25 50 t

Rated output output signal at max. capacity Cn Normalized to Emax

Sensitivity at rated capacity maximum resolution of rated capacity for Emax > 25 t d 200,000





Max. usable load upper limit for measurements Eu 37.5 75 t

Destructive load danger of mechanical destruction Ed >75 >150 t

Nominal deflection Snom 0.5 0.8 mm

Accuracy class C3 C6

Accuracy class 0.015 0.008

Minimum dead load lowest limit of specified measuring range Emin 0 0 % Emax

Minimum LC

verification interval

minimum load cell verification interval (vmin = Emax/Y) Y 14,000 20,000

Creep divisions factor factor for min. dead load output return (DR = 0.5 Emax/Z) Z 3,000 8,000

Tolerance on rated output permissible deviation from rated output dc < 0.07 < 0.07 % Emax

Zero output signal load cell output signal under unloaded conditions Smin < 1 < 1 % Emax

Repeatability error max. change in load cell output for repeated loading εR < 0.005 < 0.005 % Emax

Creep during 30 min. max. change in load cell output under nominal load dcr < 0.015 < 0.008 % Emax

Non-linearity max. deviation from the best straight line through zero dLin < 0.01 < 0.01 % Emax

Hysteresis max. diff. in LC output between loading and unloading dhy < 0.0165 < 0.008 % Emax

Temperature effect on Smin max. change of Smin/10K ΔT over BT referred to Cn TKSmin < 0.01 < 0.007 % Emax/10K

Temperature effect on Cn max. change of Cn/10K ΔT over BT referred to Cn TKc < 0.01 < 0.005 % Emax/10K

Insulation impedance between circuit and housing at 50 V DC RIS > 1,000 > 1,000 MO

Nominal supply voltage UN 24 24 V DC

Supply voltage range to hold the specified performance BU 20… 28 20… 28 V DC

Nominal ambient temp. range to hold the specified performance BT -10... +40 -10... +40 °C

Usable ambient temp. range permissible for continuous operation without damage BTu -30... +70 -30... +70 °C

Storage temp. range transportation and storage BTl -40... +95 -40... +95 °C

Permissible eccentricity permissible displacement from nominal load line Sex 10 10 mm

Vibration resistance resistance against oscillation (IEC 68-2-6 Fc) 20 g, 100 h,


PR 6224/25t 25 t C3 | C6 150 > 300

PR 6224/50t 50 t C3 | C6 150 > 300



PR6224/25t   C3

PR6224/25t   C6


PR6224/50t   C3

PR6224/50t   C6


PR 6021/00N Load and bottom disc set of top and bottom load disc, tool steel,

anti-corrosion coating

9405 360 21001

PR 6021/01N Mounting Kit including top and bottom load disc, anti-corrosion coating 9405 360 21011

PR 6024/68S digital stainless steel-cable junction box for up to 8 digital load cells, made of stainless steel 9405 360 24682

PR 6024/62S 24 V DC power supply for up to 8 digital load cells, made of stainless steel 9405 360 24622

PR 6124 P Power cable screened power cable for a safe power supply 9405 361 24xx4

PR 6124/31P Power cable 30 m 9405 361 24314

PR 6124/51P Power cable 50 m 9405 361 24514

PR 6124/12P Power cable 100 m 9405 361 24124

PR 6124/16P Power cable 150 m 9405 361 24164

PR 6124 D Data cable screened data connection cable 9405 361 24xx3

PR 6124/31D Data cable 30 m 9405 361 24313

PR 6124/51D Data cable 50 m 9405 361 24513

PR 6124/12D Data cable 100 m 9405 361 24123

PR 6124/16D Data cable 150 m 9405 361 24163

PR6224 01.png